That thing this website is based around. Read It!!! How Naomi Lewis came to be, hunter termanology, and special thanks. The good, the bad, and the fugly. Image gallery, and merchandise. Your Naomi Lewis questions are answered here. Email the creator..though I'm not sure why you'd want to. She's a little off... Running off? Check out these great comics |
NEWS 6-20-07
Yeah, I'm sure as most of you have figured out, Naomi Lewis is on hiatus for a while. Turns out with the many different jobs I've been working combined with an up comming wedding to plan as well as other commitments, my time to keep Naomi Lewis updated currently is a bit hard. I'm not going to say the comic is completely dead though! I do want to return to work on it. Hopefully I will manage to get enough back episodes sketched inked and worked out so I can start updating again on a regular basis. Since I still have a story to tell, I still want to tell it. If you're wanting to make sure you're updated on when I start again please join the mailing list! Until then. I appolgise to the few readers who kept up with this story. I hope you plan to come back when its up and running again!
-Cindy "needs a vacation" Kinnard-
This website and all related images and design elements, save where images created by other artists have been used with permission, are © 2002 Cindy Kinnard, All Rights Reserved